Sermon on The Christian Armor or The Full Armor of God Part 6 - SWORD OF THE SPIRIT Ephesians 6:17b


Sermon republished here by kind permission of Pastor JJ Lim of Pilgrim Covenant Church, Singapore.

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Part 6 of The Christian Armor or The Full Armor of God    
Christian in the Complete Armour  


Text: Ephesians 6:17b

And take… the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God


The Christian life is centred on Christ. Christians must be followers of Christ. But Christ, we must remember, is portrayed not only as a saviour, a master or a shepherd in the Scriptures. He is also portrayed as a conquering King, and the Captain of our Salvation. Christ has conquered, is conquering and shall conquer. Believers are “more than conquerors through him that loved us” (Rom 8:37). But victory for believers is not without effort. We must fight a good fight, and war a good warfare. We must as Paul puts it: “Put on the whole armour of God, that [we] may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Eph 6:11).

We have been learning about various parts of the armour. We have considered the BELT of truth. We saw that this belt symbolises everything to do with the truth and truthfulness.

We have also considered the breastplate or THORAX of righteousness. We saw that the breastplate of righteousness has two parts corresponding to the righteousness imputed in justification; and the righteousness imparted in sanctification.

We considered how we must put on the SHOES of the preparation the Gospel of peace. Though the war that we fight is a defensive war, we must be ever ready to move out not only to answer the queries of anyone who ask us of a reason for our faith, but also to present the Gospel to the lost.

We have looked at the SHIELD of faith. We saw that faith is the first level of defence against the temptations that the wicked one will hurl in our direction.

We have also considered the HELMET of salvation and saw how the hope of salvation will prevent the devil from making us doubt our salvation.

This morning, the Lord helping us, we must consider the final piece of equipment, and the only offensive weapon at our disposal: “The Sword of the Spirit.”

Let us study this equipment by these 5 points:
a. Swords were used in a disciplined way in combat.
b. Word written is the Belt; Word spoken and applied is the Sword.
c. Orderly Public Preaching, Reading & Singing is how we wield the Sword Corporately.
d. Recalling and Using God’s Word when tempted is how we wield our Sword Individually.
e. Daily Bible Reading and Regular Bible Study is essential to maintaining our Skills with the Sword.

1. Swords were used in a disciplined way in combat

The Roman soldier carried a sword, known as the machaira in Greek or the gladius in Latin. It is not a very huge sword—just 18 inches long. It was always carried on the right sight of the body; and regardless of whether the soldier was right handed or left handed, he would always hold the sword with his right hand. Left handed soldiers were trained with their left arm strapped to their body and made to practice using his sword with his right hand until it was second nature.

The reason for this is not only because the right hand is generally the dominant hand, but also because there was a need for consistency. You see, the Roman soldiers are not encouraged to fight one-to-one like what you may see in Chinese sword fighting serials.

Of course if they are alone, and they encounter an enemy, they would have to fight alone. But for the Roman soldier that would be unusual. What happens usually is that a whole legion would go into war togather, and they would fight side by side, shoulder to shoulder, with up to 500 soldiers in a line. If every soldier were to fight with his own style, there would be chaos, and there would be a lot of friendly fire, or friendly cuts.

So the soldiers used the same sword, and fought with the same hand and the same style. They would never use the sword to hack or slice. Instead they would use it to thrust or stab in a very fast back and forth motion. It is estimated that in this way the soldier could make 4 stabs per second compare to 2 slices per second and that without exposing himself between slices to the enemy, or accidentally cutting a fellow soldier.

This method of using the sword was thus, not only very safe and effective, but ensured the safety of their comrades as well.

When the apostle Paul tells us to take up the sword of the Spirit, he was no doubt thinking about this Roman sword and how it was used by the Roman soldier.

But what does the sword represent? And the answer is as per our second lesson, namely:

2. Word written is the Belt; Word Spoken and Applied is the Sword

The apostle wants us to take up “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” So the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God.

Now, we have seen earlier that the belt of truth represented truth and truthfulness. Truth is to be found in the Word of God. So the Belt represents the written Word. But what about the Sword? What does it represent?

Well, there are actually two words in Greek which may be translated as ‘word’, namely lovgo" and rJh`ma.

Most times when the phrase “word of God” occurs in the Scriptures, it is written as the ‘logos of God’. This makes it clear that it is the inspired word of God that is referred to.

We see this in Mark 7:13, where the Lord rebuked the Scribes and Pharisees for “making the word of God of none effect through [their] tradition.” It is clear that the Lord is referring to the inspired word.
Likewise, the apostle Paul is referring to the inspired word when he says, Romans 9:6—

“Not as though the word [logos] of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel.”

And again, he is referring to the inspired word when he urges Titus to teach the older women to encourage the younger women…

“To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word [logos] of God be not blasphemed” (Ti 2:5).

And preacher must preach the inspired logos of God: Act 13:5, Acts 17:13, and 2 Timothy 4:2—
“Preach the word [logos]; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.”

Occasionally, however, when the phrase ‘word of God’ occurs, the word translated ‘word’ is not ‘logos’ but ‘rhema.’ What is the difference between logos and rhema? Well, sometimes these two words are used synonymously. But I believe that in the Scriptures, there is a difference between the ‘logos of God’ and the ‘rhema of God.’

The ‘logos of God’ refers to the written or inspired word. But the ‘rhema of God’ refers to the spoken or preached word.

For example, in Hebrews 6:5, we have a reference to those who “have tasted the good word of God.” Now, the word there is ‘rhema.” The apostle is referring to the opportunity of hearing good preaching.

Likewise, Paul says in Roman 10:17—
“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

Now, again, the word is ‘rhema.’ Hearing comes by the preaching of the word of God.

Well, which word does Paul use when he describes the Sword of the Spirit? It is rJh`ma!

The Sword of the Spirit, in Paul’s mind, is the PREACHED or SPOKEN word. The written or inspired Word or Logos of God is important. It is God’s revelation unto us. All good preaching must be based on the logos of God. But until it is becomes the rhema of God through preaching, biblical-quotations or biblical-arguments it has limited effect upon our souls and the souls of others which are in contact with us.

So Paul speaks about the rhema of God as being the sword of the Spirit. It is the Sword of the Spirit because this Word originates from the Spirit and is brought to us by the power of the Spirit—whether he brings it to our remembrance or whether he gives utterance to his preachers.

It is a sword, because with it we can, not only, defend ourselves against the wicked one, but we can also attack enemy strongholds. With it we can assail heresies, false opinions, errors, temptations and worldliness, which are the devices which the wicked one would use against God’s children.

Scripture-arguments applied to the situation, or in other words the rhema of God, are the most powerful arguments to repel Satan’s devices with.

Think of how the Lord Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness. All three times he responded by quoting or applying the Scriptures. “It is written,” “It is written,” “It is written,” he said.

What was he doing? He was defending himself and attacking the temptations of the devil with the sword of the Spirit. You see, the sword of the Spirit is not just any word. It is the logos of God spoken and applied. When the logos of God is spoken and applied, it becomes the rhema of God, or the sword of the Spirit.

To the first temptation, He says:
“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (Mt 4:4).

It is instructive that the word used here is ‘rhema.’ By ‘every word’, I believe the Lord is not only speaking about the word of God’s providence by which He directs all things that comes to past. I believe He is referring to the Word of God spoken and preached by his prophets.

The Lord Jesus was wielding His Sword when he says, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” He was, you may realize responding to the temptation of the devil to turn the stone into bread. The devil was tempting the Lord to abuse his power and to give more priority to temporal than eternal things.

The Lord fought back with the Sword of the Spirit. Three times the devil tempted him. Three times, he quoted the Scriptures and applied it to the situation.

We too must learn to take up the Sword of the Spirit if we are going to fight the spiritual battle effectively.

Remember: Word written is the Belt; Word spoken and applied is the Sword.

But how do we wield the sword? Well in the first place,…

3. Orderly Public Preaching, Reading & Singing is how we wield the Sword Corporately

Like the Roman soldier each of us must use the sword individually, and we must also use the sword corporately.

I would suggest that corporately the sword is wielded when the Word is preached, read and sung in public worship. Yes, we are constantly at war; but every Lord’s day when we gather together to hear the Word preached and to sing God’s word we are entering into an intense battle zone.

Remember that whenever the word is preached, a spiritual battle is taking place. Although only the preacher is preaching, the whole church is involved in the battle. Remember how the Lord spoke of the devil swooping down like birds to pluck away the seed of the Gospel?

In the preaching of the word, a battle for our hearts and minds is happening. Though the preacher may be the one wielding the sword, the congregation must also be fighting against the devil by receiving the word cheerfully.

We must receive the Word preached with all readiness of heart like the Bereans. In this way, we would be fighting in unity like the Roman legions. If we do not receive and act on the word, then we will be resisting the sword of the spirit. And ultimately we may end up cutting each other rather than fighting the spiritual battle shoulder to shoulder.

So we must pray for the preaching of the Word.

We must pray that utterance be given to the preacher and the Word will have free course.

We must pray that the Spirit of Christ will own the Word preach so that it may indeed by the Sword of the Spirit and not the vanity of human wisdom.

We must pray that we would be ready to receive the Word; and that the word preach will be “mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds” (2 Cor 10:4).

The same is true in the reading of the Scripture—for when the Scripture read is heard it become the rhema of God to strengthen our faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
Sometimes the preaching of the word of God may not accomplish as much as the reading of the Word—for in the reading of the Word, the personality and gifts or lack of gifts of the preacher does intervene or interfere with our reception of the word of God. For this reason, the Westminster Directory of Public Worship recommends reading the Scriptures seriously during each worship service. This is the reason why in PCC we read the Old Testament serially in the morning and the New Testament serially in the evening.

And not just reading, but the singing of God’s word. Remember how the apostle Paul reminds us to teach and admonish one another through congregational singing of God’s Word:

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord” (Col 3:16) he says.

When we are singing together, we are wielding the sword of the Spirit corporately like the Roman legions. We are tearing down strongholds, melting hearts, rebuking sin, strengthening one another other, provoking one another to love the Lord and to serve Him.

And Satan hates that. No doubt, he would rather we sing unenthusiastically or sing some emotional human songs rather than the Word of God—because the Sword of the Spirit is the preaching, reading and singing of God’s Word.

So let us, beloved brethren, not only pray for one another that we may wield the sword of the Spirit effectively together; but seek by God’s grace to use the sword of the Spirit effectively. Let us attend to the Word preach and read with circumcised hearts and ears. Let us sing the Word heartily as unto the Lord.

But now, we can’t be together all the time. There will be occasions when we have to fight the battles alone. In fact, as a soldier of Christ, you are more likely that an Roman soldier to have to use the sword individually. So how do we wield the sword individually? For this consider our 4th point, namely:

4. Recalling and Repeating God’s Word when tempted is how we wield our Sword Individually.

To wield the sword individually, you must seek to recall the word and to apply it in the different situations in your life. Remember how the Lord wielded the sword of the Spirit by quoting the Scriptures when he was tempted by the devil.

We must learn to do the same.

Therefore, at times when you are tempted to sin against the Lord, do not simply rationalise in your mind what you should do. Instead, think about what the word of God has to say about the situation.
So if you happen to be angry with someone, do not allow your old man to tell you what to do to get back to the person. Rather recall the word of God and recite it to yourself. Tell yourself:

• “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil” (Eph 4:26-27).
• And “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger” (Prov 15:1).
If you will just speak these words to yourself softly, you will be surprise how quickly your anger will dissipate.
So if you are tempted to lust with your eyes while surfing the internet; or you are tempted to cross the line with a colleague working overtime with you, then recall immediately the word of God; and speak to yourself: “
• “Thou shalt not commit adultery” (Ex 20:14).
• “Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.”
• “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers…” (1Cor 6:9).
So if Satan comes and assault you with the thought that it is not worth it to spend time doing the Lord’s work, the first thing that you must do is to tell yourself, and to tell the wicked one why you are serving the Lord:
• “For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead” (2Cor 5:14).
• “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be” (Rv 22:12).
So if you are tempted to be discouraged because you lost your job or you have been unable to find a job. Then the first thing you should do is to recall and repeat to yourself what the word of God has to say about the situation. The Word of God says:
• “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof” (Mt 6:33-34).

If you speak these words to yourself, oh what strength you will have to defeat the temptation to despondency.

Remember that there is a difference between speaking with yourself and speaking to yourself. When David was discouraged, he spoke to himself:

“Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance” (Ps 42:5).
So speak to yourself using the word of God when you are tempted to sin. That way, you are wielding the sword of the Spirit.

Remember: Recalling and repeating God’s Word when tempted is how we wield our Sword Individually. Recalling and repeating God’s Word is one of the best ways of fighting the temptation of the wicked one.

But finally, let us remember that:

5. Daily Bible Reading and Regular Bible Study is essential to maintaining our Skills with the Sword.

The Roman soldiers must train regularly so as to be able to use their sword effectively. And they must train to use the sword in the same way as the rest of the legion. They might not decide to use their own method and styles—for they could end up hurting their fellow soldier.

The same is true with the soldiers of Christ. In order to wield the sword effectively, we must train, and we must train to use the word in the same way. But how?

Well, in the first place, if we are going to fight the battles together, we must train together. How do we train together but by studying the Word of God together. We study the Word together through our Worship Service and Sabbath Class.

Do you realise that we do actually have a loose curriculum in our Worship services? Do you realise that we cover different things in our two services. In our morning service, we read the OT serially and preach usually from the NT; whereas in the evening we do the reverse? The Roman soldiers would not think of absenting themselves from their training sessions. Why should we?

Again, we train together through the Sabbath Classes, or the Confessions and Catechism Classes! We do not have these classes for the sake of occupying time. They are there for us to maintain our swords and skills. So may I encourage to attend the classes rather than spending the time to chit chat when the classes are on.

But now, even more importantly than the public means, in order that we have a sharp sword, we must regularly read the word by ourselves and if possible memorise the word. The psalmist says:
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” (Ps 119:11).

Not only does using the shield of faith require you to hide the sword in your heart; you must hide the word in your heart if you would have the sword of the Spirit.

If we don’t have the word in our heart, then when we reach down to take the sword on our right side, we will find nothing.

Imagine the fear that the Roman soldier will have if he is faced with the enemy and he put his hand down expecting to draw up his sword and realise that there is nothing in the scabbard.

So beloved brethren and children, you must make sure that there is a sword by your side. The Word of God is like a double edged sword. If you memorise it you will be able to wield it in battle.

Now, some of us will find it very difficult to memorise the Scriptures word for word because we began late. If this is so, may I encourage you at least to know what the word teaches.

So read it every day. Read a big chunk of the word every day if you can. And meditate on some parts so that you become familiar with them. If you have never read through the Bible in a year, I would strongly recommend for you to attempt to do so. You can find a plan suitable to your needs on the internet. There is one that is organised according to Genre which I find to be very good. According to this plan, you will read a portion of Scripture from the Gospels on the Lord’s day; a portion from the Law on Monday; a portion from History on Wednesday, and so on with portions from Psalms, Poetry, Prophecy and Epistles.

Then there is M’Cheyne’s plan which includes portions for reading as a family and in secret each day!
If you follow any of these plans, you would be able to read through the bible in one year! And I would suggest that if you have never read through the Bible, reading through the Bible is going to be better for you than using daily devotions such as daily bread or even Tabletalk.

But of course, when you read the Scripture, you should read prayerfully to see how the Scripture applies to you. Remember SPECK. Is there a sin to be repented of? Is there a promise to remember? Is there an example to follow? Is there a command to obey? Is there key point or doctrine to keep in mind?

But fathers, in addition to inculcating daily personal reading habit, make sure, you also read the scripture serially in family worship. Only when your children’s heart are saturated with the Word of God will they have the Sword of the Spirit to use when the need arise.

Remember: Daily Bible Reading and Regular Bible Study is essential to maintaining our Skills with the Sword of the Spirit.


Beloved brethren and children, is your sword in the scabbard? Are you using the sword? Let us learn to wield the sword corporately and individually.

a. Swords were used in a disciplined way in combat.
b. Word written is the Belt; Word spoken and applied is the Sword.
c. Orderly Public Preaching, Reading & Singing is how we wield the Sword Corporately.
d. Recalling and Using God’s Word when tempted is how we wield our Sword Individually.
e. Daily Bible Reading and Regular Bible Study is essential to maintaining our Skills with the Sword.
Let us pray for one another that we become a word-saturated people. Let us pray for the preaching of God’s Word. Let us seek to lodge the Word in our heart that we may wield the sword effectively when Satan tempts us sore—whether individually or corporately. Amen.

Sermon by Pastor JJ Lim of Pilgrim Covenant Church, Singapore.
Sermon republished here by kind permission of Pastor JJ Lim of Pilgrim Covenant Church, Singapore. 

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