Sermon on The Christian Armor or The Full Armor of God Part 1 - BELT OF TRUTH Ephesians 6:14


Sermon republished here by kind permission of Pastor JJ Lim of Pilgrim Covenant Church, Singapore.

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Part 1 of The Christian Armor or The Full Armor of God   
Christian in the Complete Armour 


Text: Ephesians 6:14

Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness.


There is a war of cosmic proportion raging. It has been raging for several millennium. About two millennium ago, the outcome of the war became clear for all to see— for at the Cross of Calvary, Christ crush the head of the ancient serpent as it nipped at his heels. But the war is far from over, for the ancient serpent, the devil, is thrashing about in its death throes, seeking to sweep as many as he possibly can into hell with him.

There are still battles for the seed of the woman to fight, i.e. Christians, to fight. Everyone of us who profess faith in Christ or have receive the water of baptism have been enrolled into the army of Christ to fight the battle behind our Captain of Salvation.

Last Sabbath, we stood outside the armoury of the army of Christ; and listened to a briefing by the apostle Paul on the battle that we have to engage in.

There, Paul reminded us of 5 things we need to do and know about the war. We were reminded to…
• Arm ourselves with courage in the Lord.
• Rely wholly on the Lord to Supply all we need in the battle
• Make no mistake: unseen does not mean unreal.
• Occupy and Hold our Ground.
• Receive our armour and use it!

The war we have to fight is a spiritual war. The enemies are invisible terrorists. We must fight on in the courage, strength and graces supplied by the Lord. We must occupy the grounds that Christ has already conquered and then fight a defensive battle to prevent Satan from regaining them.

We must stand and withstand as Satan the Prince of the enemy army schemes and plots to regain lost ground. And in order to fight, we must put on the full armour that God has provided for us and use them effectively.

But now we must begin to learn about various parts of the armour that is available to us. This morning, the Lord helping us, we must consider the belt of truth.

Paul says: 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth

Now, it is very likely that Paul was thinking about a belt, when he wrote these words. Therefore, we can study this piece of equipment by asking three questions: (1) What is the purpose of the belt in Paul’s mind? (2) What does this belt represent? (3) How to put on this belt?

However, if we use these three questions as our sub-heading very few of us are going to remember much about the belt of truth by the end of this sermon. Therefore, I would propose for us to discuss four points which will answer these question and provide us with an immediate summary of things to remember regarding the belt of truth.

Here are the four points:
1. Basically, the belt is a badge, a bell and a binder.
2. Everything to do with truth is represented by the belt.
3. Listening to and Studying the Word is one way of wearing the belt.
4. Truthfulness to self & others is another way of wearing the belt.

Consider our first point, which is:

1. Basically, the Belt is a Badge, a Bell and a Binder.

In modern days, belts are either decorative or used to hold up pants for men….
In the Ancient Near Eastern Cultures people wore flowing clothing. When they were relaxed and not doing anything, they would let the garment hang loose. But if they are about to do some vigorous activity, they would put on a girdle or a belt around their waist.
So the Jews during the time of Moses were commanded to eat the Passover with their loins girded, their shoes on their feet, and their staff in their hand (Ex 12:11) to symbolise their preparedness to leave Egypt at the Lord’s command.

So girding of the loins was for the Jews always associated with preparedness.

But Paul was quite obviously thinking about the belt used by the Roman soldiers, for when he wrote this letter, he was suffering his first Roman imprisonment around A.D. 61. He was chained to a centurion 24 hours a day. It is very likely that what he saw of the Roman’s soldier’s panoply led him to write about the panoply of God. Of course, he wrote under inspiration, but the Holy Spirit would have made use of his experience to write what he wrote.

Now, for the Roman soldier, the girdle or belt around the waist serves a slightly different purpose compared to that of the ancient Jews.

• In the first place, the Roman soldier’s belt or c(h)ingulum was a kind of a badge of office (just as boys scouts today are allowed to wear their belt and scarf only after they have made their Scout’s Promise and Pledge). So the belt of the Roman soldier was a badge of Roman authority. It identified the soldier wearing it as a representative of the emperor of Rome
• In the second place, the belt of the Roman armour had an apron or groin guard which makes a kind of jangling noise which helped to intimate the enemy whenever the legionaries marched. In other words it is like a warning bell that proudly announces the approach army.
• But in the third place, the belt has a practical purpose of holding the rest of the panoply together. The Roman soldier puts on the girdle first before he puts on his body armour or breastplate. The breastplate, kind of sits or hangs on the belt. And similarly the soldier’s sword and dagger also hangs on the belt. The belt is therefore a very important piece of equipment that in a way binds every part of the armour together.

Thus the belt of the Roman armour served as a badge, a bell and a binder all in one.

And so too the belt of truth that we must put. The belt of truth will hold all the other parts of our spiritual armour together. You need to put it on first if you are to go into the battle. If you do not have it, you would not be prepared for battle.

And likewise, the belt of truth identifies us as belonging to the army of Christ, and in some ways warns the enemies of Christ of their certain doom unless they submit to Christ. Such is the importance of the belt of truth.

So the belt of the spiritual armour is a badge of the authority of Christ, a bell of warning to the enemies of Christ; and binder for all the other graces represented by the other parts of the armour. The belt is a badge, a bell and a binder.

But what exactly is the belt of truth? What does it represent? The answer is our second lesson point:

2. Everything to do with Truth is Represented by the Belt

This belt of our spiritual armour is the belt of truth. Paul tells us to put on this belt of truth, but he does not tell us what truth he is referring to. Is he speaking about objective truth as in the doctrines of the truth of the Gospel, or is he speaking about subjective truth as in sincerity, integrity and faithfulness?
Well, commentators are divided on what the apostle has in mind.

Some say that he is referring to the facts of the Gospel, for unless we bind the truth to ourselves, we will easily be tempted by the devil to stray into heresy and lawlessness. If we hold fast the truth of the Gospel, we will be restrained from straying from the Lord.

Others believe that Paul is not speaking about the objective truths of the Word of God, but about sincerity, integrity and faithfulness.

Well, I personally believe that Paul is referring to both aspects of truth, for unless we hold fast to the truth of God, we cannot truly be truthful. How can we be truthful when we are holding on to lies and reject the truth of God?

So then this belt of truth speaks of everything that has to do with truth whether objective or subjective. We must not deceive ourselves by speaking about our sincerity if we deny the truth of God. On the other hand, if we know the truth of God, we must live faithfully and honestly in imitation of our Lord.
Only when we have the belt of truth gird about our loins, will we have ease and freedom of movement to fight the spiritual battle.

Without the truth of the Word of God, we will fall into the trap of Satan, for you can be sure he will ask us as he did Eve, “Hath God said.”

And without the truth of honesty, we will fall into the sin of deception and hypocrisy; and begin to do the work of Satan, who is the father lie.

Without the belt of truth, we will not be able to fight the battles of our Lord. How to fight any spiritual battle if we do not sincerely believe the truth of the Word of God? How to fight the battle if we are being hypocritical in our faith?

So then, we must put on the belt of truth—both of the truth of the Word; and of honesty and integrity. For everything to do with truth is represented by the belt.

We must put on this belt of truth.

But the question is how do we put on the belt of truth? In answer consider our third and fourth lessons.
Our third lesson is:

3. Listening to and Studying the Word is One Way of Wearing the Belt

We saw a moment ago how the truth that is represented by the belt of truth has both an objective and a subjective aspects.

Now, the objective aspect of the belt of truth is made up of a fabric of biblical propositional truths.
Therefore, if you are to have the belt of truth, you must begin by listening to the Word preached diligently and studying the Word faithfully.

When we bind the truth of the Scripture to ourselves, we are putting on the belt of truth, otherwise we may be putting on a belt of error. We must, therefore, be concerned that what doctrine we hold to is the truth and not just some arguments and traditions of man. “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good” says Paul (1Th 5:21).

Bear in mind that if the truth is not tightly bounded to your waist, then you may be fighting the devil’s battle.

The belt of truth, at least in its objective aspect, indicates whom the wearer belongs to, and whose battle he is fighting. Remember that it is a badge of authority.

Think of the liberals and cults such as Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses. They would call themselves Christian, but whose battle are they fighting? They wear a belt, but it is not a belt of truth. It has some truth but a lot of errors. You do not want to fight alongside them. In fact, you want to fight against them by denouncing their heresies.

So what belt should you bind to yourself? Remember that in a certain way the belt determines whom you should be fighting alongside and whom you should fight against. So you do not want to define the belt too narrowly, or you will be fighting against everyone. What then, should you wear practically?
Well, I would suggest, that the Confession of the Church provides a good definition of the objective belt you should wear. Bind these truths to yourself. Fight against anything that is contrary to these truths. So fight Arminianism, Dispensationalism, legalism, antinomianism, etc. But refrain from fighting about issues that are not found in our Confession.

Unless you are steadfastly entrenched in the major tenets of the truth, the devil will try his best to shake you from the faith. Unless you have the belt of truth tightly around you the devil and his army is not going to be afraid of you. If your warning bell sounds like an ice-cream bell, who is going to be afraid?

Indeed, if you don’t have the belt of truth binding all the other pieces of your armour, the devil will try to dislodge your armour piece by piece… and leave you defenceless against his assaults. You can be sure of that.

So take heed to arm yourself with the truth. Listening to and studying the Word of God is one way to put on the belt of truth.

But finally, consider how…

4. Truthfulness to Self & Others is Another Way of Wearing the Belt.

While a lack of objective truth can be used by the devil to lead us astray; a lack of subjective truth makes us like the devil. Therefore, we must also bind subjective truth to ourselves. How?

Firstly, you must put on the belt of truth by resolving not to bluff yourself. Be honest with yourself. Refuse to give excuses for your sins and failures. Resist the temptation to compromise, or to cast aside your conscience.

It is easy to bluff yourself. Lot bluff himself that it is alright for his family to live toward Sodom and Gommorah. Perhaps he was resolved only stay outside the city and benefit from the pagan city without being involved with the city life.

But slowly he finds himself moving nearer and nearer into the city. Perhaps he bluff himself that it would be OK. He would teach his children well. He will make sure that they are protected from the influence of the people in the land by daily family worship.

But slowly his family began to assimilate into the culture of the land. This righteous man was daily vexed with the filthiness of the land and was weak to resist the suggestions of the devil because he compromised. He bluffed himself. He did not put on the belt of truth.

By the grace of God, Lot was preserved. But the price of his self-deception was great. He lost his wife and sons in law; and his daughter had little qualms committing incest.

Beloved brethren and children put on the belt of truth. Resolve to be honest with yourself. Do not bluff yourself by telling yourself that you do not need to repent or to change the course of your life.
So for example, if on account of backsliding you find yourself not willing to come for the means of grace, you must resist the temptation to bluff yourself by saying, ‘I am tired’, ‘I don’t feel very well,’ or ‘I have stomach ache’ etc.

You should rather go to the Lord to seek His Help. Put on the belt of truth. Be honest with yourself and with the Lord. Unless you are truthful in your assessment of your heart, you will not grow spiritually and you will easily fall under temptation of the wicked one.

Secondly, you must put on the belt of truth by resolving to be truthful with others.

Children, this will be your particular temptation. Some say that children will never tell lies. I don’t believe that at all. Every child is born with a fallen nature. They know how to lie from the earliest age. If you did something wrong, and you know that your daddy or mummy will scold you or discipline you, what will you be tempted to do? You’ll be tempted to tell a lie, wouldn’t you?

I remember when I was a young boy. I forgot to learn my ‘ting xie’ (i.e. Chinese spelling test). I scored zero or near to zero. I was called up by the teacher. What did I do? Immediately I told her: I lost my paper. It seemed less wrong to loose the paper than to forget to learn. I got a spanking.

I did not know it was sin against God to tell a lie. I lied so much that it became very easy to lie. It was very shameful. Children, put on the belt of truth. Do not allow Satan to tempt you to lie because with each lie, you will find it easier and easier to lie so that after a while, your automatic reaction is to lie whenever you feel threatened. I have been through that. It is a terrible feeling to know that you are a liar.

But, brethren, make no mistake. The temptation to be untruthful is not only a problem amongst children. It is a problem amongst adults too, for we are always tempted to want to look better before others. But put on the belt of truth. Let us be candid and honest with one another. If you hold anything against another person, and the person ask you if you hold anything, be honest about it. Do you say, “no,” and then behind his back say bad things about him.

Unless we put on the belt of truth and are prepared to tell the truth one to another, we shall have occasion of stumbling one another and Satan will have occasion to re-claim lost-ground.

Truthfulness to self and to others is another way of putting on the belt apart from listening to and studying the Word of God. Let us take heed to do all we can to put on the belt of truth.

Conclusion : Beloved brethren and children, put on the belt of truth. 

Remember the four points we raised this morning that are relative to the belt of truth:
1. Basically, the belt is a badge, a warning bell, and a binder.
2. Everything to do with truth is represented by the belt.
3. Listening to and Studying the Word is one way of wearing the belt.
4. Truthfulness to self & others is another way of wearing the belt.

It is very important for us always to know the truth and to tell the truth. If you know not the truth, you may end up fighting the devil’s battle; and if you tell a lie, you would be doing the devil’s work.
Liars are children of the devil. With each lie they speak, they become more and more like the devil. Liars are easily persuaded by the devil to shame the name of Christ.

The devil will try to tempt us into telling lies when we are confronted with a fault. He will suggest to you that no one else knows the truth. But you must remember, God knows the truth. And he is deeply displeased with falsehood.

“These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren” (Prov 6:17).

Out of these six things, three has to do with falsehood or half truths.
We must put on the belt of truth if we want to fight the Lord’s battle. Let us ask the Lord to help us to know the truth, to be honest with ourselves and to be sincere and truthful towards others. Amen.

Sermon by Pastor JJ Lim of Pilgrim Covenant Church, Singapore.
Sermon republished here by kind permission of Pastor JJ Lim of Pilgrim Covenant Church, Singapore.

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