The Refiner's Fire - the trial of faith 1 Peter 1:7


"That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:" - 1 Peter 1:7


The believer walks humbly with God, bearing his cross.

The happy believer is now advanced a great way in his journey. He has been brought to the saving knowledge of God, has received faith in his reconciled God in Jesus, has been taught by the Spirit to love his God, and has found the blessedness of holy communion with Him in the way of obedience and duty which makes him go on rejoicing; then it is become fit and proper that his faith and love should be tried. He must expect it. It is to the honour of God, to the good of others, and to the establishing of those graces, that proof should be made of them, and that they should be put, like gold, into the furnace. This is only a refiner's fire. If the furnace be very hot, one seven times more than it was wont to be heated, the gold will lose nothing. Sterling grace is purer and brighter for every fiery trial. Its enemies, who blow the flame, have no intention to refine it, and sometimes the believer himself cannot see how the means will answer the end; but God over-rules every trial for His glory and the believer's good, and makes it more precious than that of gold, which perisheth. Troubles, opposition from within and from without, all the difficulties he can meet with, only serve to purge out his dross, and to render him more fit for his heavenly walk. Herein the grace of God is most marvellous. Such a power as brought light out of darkness is continually directing and sanctifying the crosses of the believer, so that not one of them can stop him; nay, the greatest of them help him forward in his journey, and bring him not only more safely, but also more happily to the end of it. Adored for ever be the Father's love which makes all things work together for His children's good!

(Taken from "Treatises from the Life, Walk and Triumph of Faith" by William Romaine, M.A., (1714-1795), re-published 1908, Chapter 8 of The Walk of Faith, page 221.)

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