Blogs on Christians suffering from bipolar disorder finding help in God


Christian bipolar disorder blogs

Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness) is mood disorder with extreme mood swings. It is a medical condition that can be treated with medical and other helps.

It is possible for a Christian to be suffering from bipolar disorder and yet be in the will of God. Read the following encouraging Christian bipolar disorder blog to see how Christians coping with bipolar disorder lead a meaningful life with God's enablement:

1) More Than Conquerors :
Nancie is a Christian with bipolar disorder and living in Singapore. She enjoys writing, photography and making bookmarks and homemade crafts and gifts. She shares on her blog about God's goodness and mercies to her and His sufficient grace through the ups and downs in her life in my struggle with bipolar disorder and other challenges. There are many useful Christian resources to cope with bipolar disorder on this bipolar blog.

2) Roller Coaster :
Marja Bergen is a Christian with bipolar disorder living in Canada. This blog is about Marja’s living with bipolar disorder and about how her Christian faith has helped her cope and develop a life that is full and satisfying. It deals with some of the frustrations and anger she feels about the injustice and damaging effect of stigma. She is an avid photographer and make beautiful bookmarks as a therapeutic hobby. She also helps to facilitate faith-based mood disorders group in her church called The Living Room.

Help for the depressed Christian : How to recover from depression?

Mental illness such as depression or clinical depression s a mood disorder and a medical condition that can be treated with medical and other helps.

It is possible for a Christian to be suffering from mental illness such as depression and yet be in the will of God. Christians struggles with mental health challenges and mental illness as well. But it is possible to have a mental disorder yet be close to God and derive strong support from a growing relationship with Christ.

Christian communities should lovingly welcome the sufferers into congregations by understanding them better and supporting them in practical ways.

Read about Christian and Depression:

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